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  • This online course covers a range of important topics related to mental health conditions that children and young people can experience and the many ways they can be offered support. The Children and Young People’s Mental Health course starts by defining mental illness and mental health problems and their impact on children and young people. There’s extensive coverage of the many types of mental illnesses found in this group, and how they can be recognised and treated. This online Children and Young People’s Mental Health course will look at attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression and self-harm, and eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Other mental illnesses covered include schizophrenia, autism, learning difficulties, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, sleep apnoea and social phobia. Children and Young People’s Mental Health online course will discuss symptoms and causes – and the actions to take if you suspect someone has a mental health condition. The online Children and Young People’s Mental Health course will discuss the role of mental healthcare professionals, such as a psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses or clinical social workers – and show how parents can become involved. Treatments covered include psychotherapy, mindfulness, play therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and medication. The Children and Young People’s Mental Health E-leaning course will deal with prognosis and prevention – and show how to promote positive mental health and dispel common myths. Finally, you’ll learn practical techniques to help you talk to children or young people about their mental health.

    Children and Young People’s Mental Health Course Modules:

    Introduction Mental illnesses in children and young adults: Part 1 Mental illnesses in children and young adults: Part 2 Mental illnesses in children and young adults: Part 3 Diagnosis and treatments Prognoses and outcomes Support Signs of mental illness in children and young people Approved by Gatehouse Awards – Duration 90 mins*
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) requires all providers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults to have a Safeguarding Policy in place.

    Click below to purchase your Safeguarding Policy.

    Following purchase please follow the link in your confirmation email and complete the Questionnaire.  Your Safeguarding Policy will be emailed to you within 15mins of submitting the Questionnaire.

  • One in four people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point. While mental health problems are common, most are mild, tend to be short-term and are normally successfully treated, with medication, by a GP. Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems. They are often a reaction to a difficult life event, such as bereavement, but can also be caused by work-related issues. In 2017, the government commissioned Lord Stevenson and Paul Farmer (Chief Executive of Mind) to independently review the role employers can play to better support individuals with mental health conditions in the workplace. The ‘Core Standards’ recommend employers of all sizes can and should put in place:
    • Produce, implement and communicate a mental health at work plan that promotes good mental health of all employees and outlines the support available for those who may need it
    • Develop mental health awareness among employees by making information, tools and support accessible
    • Encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available when employees are struggling, during the recruitment process and at regular intervals throughout employment, offer appropriate workplace adjustments to employees who require them
    This FREE document is provided in PDF format.
  • We have an obligation to undertake an Individual Risk Assessment for any individuals with additional needs who work for us or attend our facilities. Our FREE template and guidance notes will enable you to sit down with the individual, or their parent/carer, and undertake a Risk Assessment to assist in providing the most appropriate care.
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires all employers to have a Health and Safety Policy and undertake a General Risk Assessment appropriate to their business.

    Our online Risk Management tool produces a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy and General Risk Assessment covering all aspects of operating a Dance and Drama School including;

    • Teaching and coaching staff failing to act appropriately
    • Lack of insurance
    • Lack of qualified First Aider(s) and first aid kit
    • Lack of understanding and  support from venue, support staff, and delivery workers
    • Failing to secure data leading to a breach of GDRP regulations
    • Lack of register/accountability in the event of fire or evacuation
    • Lack of Emergency contact details and related information
    • Staff or students with individual Risk Assessments (i.e. disability, young persons or new/expectant mothers)
    • Lack of drinking water
    • Lack of food
    • Inappropriate footwear and clothing
    • Hair
    • Jewelry and valuables
    • Exhaustion
    • Staff or students at enhanced risk from infectious disease (i.e. disability, young persons or new/expectant mothers)
    • Teaching and coaching staff failing to act appropriately (infection control)
    • Inadequate cleaning and ventilation of space(s)
    • Physical work (during an outbreak of viral illness or disease)
    • Partner work (during an outbreak of viral illness or disease)
    • Unsuitable venue (including floor, lighting, and ventilation)
    • Ingress/Egress to site
    • Lack of fire Risk Assessment
    • Lack of knowledge of fire evacuation procedures
    • Lack of firefighting equipment and familiarisation in its use
    • Unsecured power cables
    • Unsafe, poorly maintained/ installed Electrical Equipment
    • Inadequate cleaning of space(s)
    • Lack of ventilation of space(s)
    • Lack of maintenance of gas heating systems and gas cooking systems (where applicable)
    • Failure to maintain the water system
    • Lack of Hand Washing
    • Child Protection where toilet facilities are shared with other facility users
    • Furniture and other Hazards
    • Ill student, child or member of staff
    • Lack of Waste Management
    • Class timetable- lack of planning
    • Lack of rules and behavioral expectations
    • Partner work (including lifts and higher risk maneuvers)
    • Ill maintained Acro equipment or environment

    Once you have received your Risk Assessment you can update it at any time as things change using the link in the accompanying email.

    Click below to purchase your General Risk Assessment.

    Following purchase please follow the link in your confirmation email and complete the Questionnaire.  Your Health and Safety Policy and General Risk Assessment will be emailed to you within 15mins of submitting the Questionnaire.

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires all employers to have a Health and Safety Policy and undertake a General Risk Assessment appropriate to their business.

    Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) requires all providers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults to have a Safeguarding Policy in place.

    The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK's implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and requires you to outline how personal data is processed within your school.

    It is also good practice to have an Accident and Illness Policy, Complaints and Equalities Policy in place.

    Our online tool makes this process as easy as possible. Just complete the questionnaire and your comprehensive document pack will be emailed to you within minutes, covering all aspects of operating a UK-based Dance and Drama School.

    This comprehensive Dance and Drama School business pack includes the following documentation;
      • Statement of general policy and arrangements
      • General Risk Assessment 
        • Car parking and External Safety
        • Staff Training
        • Student Welfare
        • Viral Illness and Infectious Diseases (including COVID-19)
        • Venue – Spaces/Studios
        • Delivery of Classes
        • Pointe Work (Note: this section is only relevant if you specifically teach Pointe Ballet Work)
        • Singing (Note: this section is only relevant if you specifically teach Group Drama (Musical Theatre Based), Group Singing, and/or Individual Singing Lessons)
      • Policy and Procedures on Safeguarding Children & Adults at Risk
        • Statutory and legislative frameworks
        • Terminology and Definitions
        • Overview and Responsibilities
        • Responding to a safeguarding incident or concern involving a child or adult at risk
        • Reporting a safeguarding incident or concern
        • Further advice and guidance
        • Recognising and Responding to Abuse
        • Code of Behaviour and Good Practice
        • APPENDIX 1 - Reporting Suspected Abuse - Confidential Recording Sheet
      • NEW - General Data Protection Regulations 2018 Policy
      • NEW - Accident and Illness Policy
        • Minimum exclusion periods for infectious diseases
      • NEW - Complaints Policy
      • NEW - Equalities Policy

    Once you have received your Document pack you can update it at any time as things change using the link in the accompanying email.

    Click below to purchase your Comprehensive Dance or Drama School Documentation Pack.

    Following purchase please follow the link in your confirmation email and complete the Questionnaire.  Your Documentation Pack will be emailed to you within 15mins of submitting the Questionnaire.

  • Sale!

    The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires all employers to undertake Risk Assessments appropriate to their business.

    Our online Risk Management tool produces a comprehensive Dance or Drama School Production Risk Assessment (England) suitable for Dance or Drama schools staging a production in a local theatre or school hall and is written for the purposes of applying for your BOPA license, Child Performance license, meeting your Local Authority or Venue requirements.

    • Manual Handling - lack of training and/or incorrect handling/lifting
    • Production Vehicle Movement (loading/unloading)
    • Viral Illnesses (where applicable)
    • Complaint/Conflict with Public
    • Criminal Activity
    • Use of Tools
    • Working at Height - Use of Ladders/Tallescope
    • Working at Height - Falling objects / rigging failures
    • Flown equipment such as cloths, frenchmen, LX and other performance related items (where applicable)
    • Installation of ground supported LX and Sound
    • Installation and use of electrical equipment
    • Cable management – lack of
    • Fire
    • Emergency evacuation - failure to facilitate, obstructions etc
    • Excessive Noise levels (>95dB)
    • First Aid - lack of
    • Welfare – lack of toilets or handwashing facilities
    • Welfare – child performers
    • The choreography of show - lack of, or inappropriate
    • Lack of mental health support available
    • Food - Biological
    • Use of Haze or effect (where used)

    Click below to purchase your Dance or Drama School Production Risk Assessment (England) Risk Assessment.

    Following purchase please follow the link in your confirmation email and complete the Questionnaire. 

    Your Dance or Drama School Production Risk Assessment (England) will be emailed to you within 15mins of submitting the Questionnaire.
